Our Story:
As an enthusiast, adventure has always been a part of my life ever since I was little and I really enjoyed off-road adventures. I have always learned from the ups and downs of off-roading experiences of other enthusiasts. I am very excited about the off-road industry. Since I am also an avid off-roader, rendering is my craze. 2020 was the year I came up with a new idea. The dream was pushed aside when I suddenly suffered a stroke in February 2021. That wasn't stopping me from doing what I wanted to do. As soon as I could, I began to turn my attention back to the Safe Sled to make it a reality once again.
Fast-forward to 2022, I finally achieved what I've wanted for a long time. I have a product that can really help others even in the worst situations. I am very passionate and very proud of what I have created with Safe Sled. I wanted to be able to show others that you may have a tough time, but as long as you keep going and don't let that stop you from achieving your goals. Without my wife's support in my journey to reach my goal, this would never have been possible.
How does our company differ from the rest?
We are the first product, to our knowledge, to provide availability to help the off-road enthusiast reach their destination safely after an unfortunate event happens in the middle of nowhere. Our goal is to help them reach their destination safely with Safe Sled and also feel safe getting there.
By putting passion, dedication, and knowledge into our work.
Safe Sled is focused on delivering customers superior quality, value and usability. The Safe Sled is specifically designed to get you out of trouble and help you reach your destination if you incur any damages during your personal activities. The goal of Safe Sled off-road was not to maintain off-road standards, but to provide a solution for ongoing off-road problems with many UTV users.
Safe Sled is continuously working on the product to reach its maximum potential. Our product is specifically designed for providing a solution during an emergency for off-road enthusiasts while stuck in dirt, sand or snow. A smarter solution to this problem is almost impossible. Safe Sled is your helping hand!
We designed Safe Sled for our customer's need, which is why we want make sure that we give our customers this impeccable product that will help them even in the worst situation. Fortunately, we designed, we manufacture, moreover, we drive and we utilize. This sort of dedication won't be found anywhere else. Our Safe Sleds are especially useful when you encounter hardships. As we say, Safe Sled is the reliable choice when you are off-roading.
Why Should You Choose The Safe Sled
Best emergency go-to product for when you are stuck in the middle of no where
Our product has been designed for our customers at an affordable cost. We are not price gauging the off-road enthusiast that will fall in love with the Safe Sled and immediately recommend to everyone.
If you are an off-road enthusiast, then it's crucial to determine what products you should carry. Your off-roading isn’t complete without Safe Sled. Safe Sled works in all situations, including but not limited to dry locations, desert landscapes, sand, rocks, or snow. This is why you would choose Safe Sled before going off-roading. Moreover, our Safe-Sled product is absolutely easy to carry and strap on while off-roading in any prevailing climate.
Ultimately, we want the product to be the strongest and most durable in conditions such as sand, dirt or snow. Therefore, we have spent a lot of time researching and developing the Safe Sled. We used HDPE plastic, which is found to be the most durable material for off-road purposes, to stand against the pressure and load.
Why buy Safe Sleds:
Safe Sleds have been in user testing for over a year based on the realistic scenarios. To give our customers the confidence they are buying a product that we know exceeds the performance and a must-have product in a user’s UTV while off-roading.